Saturday, September 5, 2009

School and Stuff

The boys have now completed three whole weeks of school - so we're all settling into that new routine. It's been funny to hear them each process the new reality. At different times and in different ways they have each asked Kristin, "So... what do you do all day?" It makes me smile anyway. The truth is that she has been surprisingly busy - with her daily shuttle service to school and church (I did just start driving myself on Monday, hallelujah!), shopping, cleaning 3 levels (!) and feeding this ever growing army. I keep encouraging her to rest, and she usually squeezes in 30 minutes or so with her feet up (or they swell up like overfull water balloons).

Seth had a bit of a sad week. Of the boys, he was the most affected by our move - really missing his Charlotte buddies. So we were very thankful when he made a good friend at Family Camp who also lives in Louisville. And then he immediately connected with two guys in his class - one of which he thinks is the funniest kid around. But on Tuesday he learned that his funny friend had shifted to home school, and his other friend at school will be moving to Germany since his dad is in the army. So pray for Seth as he accepts this new change and tries to be patient and thankful for the friends and family God has put around him.

Caleb has also mentioned several times how he misses his friends in Charlotte (notably Max - who we often suspected of being his secret clone). But he connects with people very quickly, and especially enjoys small children. Our neighbors on one side have a three year old daughter, and every time he goes out back Caleb checks to see if she's around for a chat.

Joel has two buddies he comes home talking about all the time. He really enjoys school - except for the work part and that he doesn't see us very much anymore. All three guys have mentioned that new reality - and K and I feel it a lot as well. We're very thankful for the school - and each of the boys seem ideally suited to their teachers and class environments - so we celebrate Eastide as a wonderful and timely blessing.

Generally, Kristin has been feeling decent. Her feet still swell every day, which does force her to slow down some. Her back has not been too sore yet, we're sure that's coming. Braxton Hicks contractions have already begun, sometimes quite frequently - and she is beginning to wonder if it might be related to how much she tries to do in a given day... Hmmmm. All indications show that the baby (Micah!) is doing great, growing well. Her glucose test came back clear - just a little low on iron which means one more pill a day. The date is Tuesday, Nov. 3, unless she goes into labor early, which we fully expect. It will be a C-section either way, as the risks are greater with a VBAC after each additional C-section.

And I'm doing better every week too. I'm almost 11 weeks out from surgery and can now get my foot to neutral, a 90 degree position. At 7 weeks it was in a toe point of about 35 degrees. I still have a lot of work to do to get to +30-40 degrees and to strengthen all the left leg muscles, but I've got a great physical therapist and am seeing progress every day. 12 weeks is the official time when they don't worry anymore about re-rupturing the tendon, so I should be able to get rid of the boot in just one or two more weeks. And I should also be able to eliminate the limp in that time. No sports or coaching for a while yet - but K and I are looking forward to taking Micah out for long, leisurely walks when her feet will remain normal size and I can normally put one foot in front of the other...